From his where did all the phonecians go

"Does this mean Aryans are a bunch of dumdums, and that Jews are basically smarter?  No.  Logically,it means that the same thing that made the Aryans tall and blond also made them less ambitious: theywere from the north.  Being more strapping likely made them more likely to survive the harsh winters,and perhaps the lack of sun made them pale in skin and hair.  But the harsh and long winters kept themindoors, so they couldn't be sailing the seas all year trading, colonizing, and conquering.     Unlike theMediterraneans, they got used to huddling for months at a time, which didn't make them stupider, butdid perhaps make them less ambitious"

What the actual fuck. No only does it contradicts basic biology, its racist against whites. He tries to mask it but its so obvious once you understand his modus operandi.