It was another article, where he says the name of his grandparents. Maybe he deleted it. But that article is a good one. Really show his hatred against germans. 

I get the feeling they (the powers that be) want some kind of revolt in usa. And miles is just a part of inciting that revolt. I mean characters like him would either be shunned 500 years ago or arrested. What is happening now is just the technocratic takeover. 

"Boycott all large companies"

But donate to me via paypal

"Kill your TV "

so that my cult can brainwash people easier.

"Boycott all international banks"

except paypal

"Quit thinking in terms of investment"

dont make money, be poor and remember to donate to me. 

"Avoid all plastics"

if you had to avoid all plastics then say goodbye to your fridge, icecooler, tapwater, computer, cables, electricity, the list goes on and on. 

"Drive less, travel less, don’t commute"

except for me who travels all around the world. this also fits into agenda 21.

"Turn down your heat and your air-conditioning"

more agenda 21 conditioning. 

Its so obvious. He makes it so obvious. He is a shill, a spook whatever term that is appliable.