After reading weisbeckers excellent writings about miles im not so sure he even exists. If pom is in on the hoax, and cluesforum, then why should we take their statements as facts? He even was in taos but miles didnt want to meet him. What does that tell us? 

Both pom and cluesforum has promoted miles, and defended him vigorously. Why would they do that?

Honestly, it seems to me after thinking about this for a while that ALL alternative media is a limited hangout, spooks, shills, controlled opposition. Its much more controlled, and devious than regular media. And they just promote eachother, and get help from the goverment to become "popular". 

For example. There has been a few people that got banned from youtube, which only helped them because then they could play the victim card and get symphaties. Alot went to bitchute, and bitcute tracks their users ip adresses. Maybe that was the goal, to track people who watch alternative media? 

His historical inconsistensies could be explained that its a team that writes his essays? Weisbecker did the math on his workload in 2016, and it was some bizarre number of words that got produced. That doesnt include his science papers or his painting. 

Regarding his palme paper, its funny he missed the more famous stuff like that he was an actual autist (he couldnt tie his own shoelaces). People still talk about that murder case here like it has any relevancy what so ever. He probably just went to israel because he got tired of his job.