> I blame this more-so on suburbanism, a subset of industrialism but also the aspects instilled in public school from a young age. Nowadays nobody even knows their old friends from school, because they've all went to different schools and colleges so they can advance their "careers", i.e. social status in the technocracy. There's no way out aside to jack yourself off, smoke weed, or play all the games that they made for you, and we'll try to scare you into not escaping this entirely. Nearly everybody uses cars, so nobody can talk to each other on the street anymore as these cars either prevent you from doing so or disrupt highways. Nearly everybody uses credit cards, so the bankers have even more control over your ways of communication. Nearly everyone uses spyware apps, and if you don't like that you must go full on RMS, etc., all of these are factors alongside private school.

All I can say is read john taylor gatto. 


> Is it actually that we only do drink tap water? Animals drink water straight from the river and they're perfectly fine, older men just 100 years ago did it and they were fine too. It's likely that the industrial revolution made river water harder to drink. Anyways, yes, soaps and shampoos used today are awful. I've heard egg yolk along with olive oil are both good substitutes for shampoo, while making your own soap using alkaline and olive oil should be good as well. 

Your completely missing the point. ALL soaps and shampoos, disrupts our endocrine system. Doesnt matter if its "organic", eggs or whatever. 

> they often even accuse each other of being shills, but never talk to normal people in a civilised manner. The Corbett report does exactly this.

Yeah ive noticed this too. They really really have a disgust and look down upon regular folks. Kinda makes you think...