I only managed to about 30-31 mins, I had to sleep, I'll try to finish today. But to that point what he said was fair and plausible.
The video also contains footage from others who practice archery, do historical research, or helped in the making of the original video.
One horsearcher (judging by his name, he might be Croat) says that archers had different motivation when they leaned their trade, than what we have today. Their skill in archery meant if they stay alive or die. It was a serious matter with dire consequences. And adding the fact that a lot of them grew up with a bow in their hands, we can conclude the average archer back in the day was a master of the bow compared to even the most skilled archer we have today. Especially considering that lot of our archers learnt archery as a static sport and never deviated from it.
But I really wanna ask, what makes you not trusting what he says?
If you are interested, you should watch this new video, it is very different than the original, which might came out a little sensationalist.