> It's the fact that Miles Mathis keeps injecting his genealogical nonsense into everything
It may be a way to confuse his followers, or to just misdirect them. He always writes "more on this later", or "lets save this find at the end" to throw the readers off. In the kennedy paper he used pictures that was a recreation (!) of the event and said it was live ones, and then later on saying it was a recreation. Its all a mindfuck. 

He claims, in an essence that everything is faked and only he can discern reality. It makes people question their own judgement which is probably the goal of it all. 

> It's also that he is instant ammunition against any legitimate movement. He'll just accuse them of being a psy-op, and everybody will believe him and not trust any actual dissent. Miles believes that it's useless to resist the JWO, instead, painting yourself to death in Taos, New Mexico while appearing to be a lifeless "truth-seeker" who believes in moral relativism and isn't going to utilise the truth anyways.

This technocratic tyranny/technological slavery requires peoples data/output to function. So just stop feeding the beast. Grow your own food. Dont use technology. Its that simple really.