> He claims, in an essence that everything is faked and only he can discern reality. It makes people question their own judgement which is probably the goal of it all. 
Other way around: It's to make people believe in moral relativism. Just ask yourself, why do all of these "truth-seekers" say that all of their drivel is "only their opinion"? Because they don't give a flying french fry about the truth, they're only trying to laugh at the people gullible enough to buy it while injecting enough facts, that people who reject him will question them. 
> This technocratic tyranny/technological slavery requires peoples data/output to function. So just stop feeding the beast. Grow your own food. Dont use technology. Its that simple really.
I'm talking about founding a tribe dedicated to this. What will all of these "truthers" like Miles and Hexane think about it? They'll immediately claim it's a psy-op and that EVERYTHING is either  a government op or will be infiltrated and become on. Prime-tier demoralisation. Say he doesn't go with that, Miles believes in moral relativism, so to him there's no purpose to found a tribe, instead literally writing papers 24/7 and eating a bunch of junk food is the way to go. Say he doesn't go with that, he'll probably reject it as a psy-op because Miles is a liberal, and tribalism needs to be hierarchical to function properly; he'll claim we're Phoenicians or something for doing so; and he'd forbid any racialist or anti-homosexual beliefs! In-fact, so much so that on the forum Cutting through the fog, there are literal crossdressers that admit to being longtime Miles readers:
CTRL+F to "Lloyd Kinder"'s post. 
> The trans community is pretty small, so it’s easy not to know anyone in it if they don’t happen to inform anyone locally. But I feel like part of that community loosely. At times I’ve enjoyed crossdressing. Only about 2% of men are said to be crossdressers. There’s a good forum for them at Crossdressers dot com. That’s where I learned quite a bit about them/us. They have discussed the bathroom issue after the last election, but I haven’t checked out the forum much since then. They all have different views, but they seem mostly rather tolerant. The forum has a section for people transitioning too, which is private. This is just to let folks know that the community isn’t completely fake. Many of them dislike the word tranny, because it’s used in porn, which most of them dislike. The word is okay with me. I’m not offended.
And who knows all the other sodomites that lurk his website and believe his drivel!
So what I meant is that there's no way to starve the beast with Miles' beliefs, only to feed it while being artificially "aware" of the truth.