Quality is better than quantity. I'm from 27chan and I browse KohlC and what I see in it is similar to what I see in 55chan, a lot of social network users posting about what they like, hatred for true Bernds and worse things even. Meanwhile we in 27 have a really small community but basically all posts are quality, each in their own way (even the ones I don't personally find interesting). I speak on the basis of int since elsewhere seems to be ok (particularly /b/). But indeed, if you/we want more posters than we should actually choose people, and there are those that are lucky enough (like me) to actually find the real KC by sheer lurking and searching. I knew about endch but it seems to go off sometimes and so I barely get back to this place. I really like here for the fact that I'm not ignored and not told to get out by some random poster and I was answered when I asked for a specific thing (which kind of melted my heart, that was the most unexpected thing for me, I thought someone would tell me to lurk more).
to;dr just share this place in a quiet but noticeable manner since true Bernds wo understand, but make the chance of it being a true Bernd higher by choosing who you will reply to.

There's just a few threads that are interesting (once every 2 weeks average) in Kohl, most of the time it's shitposters and attention whores. Serious discussion may only be had here in true KC.