> Were was the herder?

A mystery. I guess owner is pretty reckless. I've seen smaller herd there long time ago, and herder also was away, but arrived after few minutes of car-goat confrontation. At least goats are pretty smart, they aren't cows.

> nice bobble head dog. 

The one and only thing that isn't "original" in car, because I mostly like simplicity. It is also a some kind of meme for me.

> you can't use dashcams in court here for privacy reasons.

That's sad. Yes, they aren't ok for privacy, it is true, but how you can prove that there is no cheating in car accident, like person jumping into stationary car or something like this? Or just an conflict situation when both sides thinking that they are right?

Maybe eSwitzini is populated by mostly honest people though (I personally think so, without joking).