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This is very philosophical question. There are plenty of different kinds of answers, but they may be grouped into two big groups: materialistic and not.
Materialistic way depends on current scientific (excluding psychology) concept, and it says that there is no separate "person" in your body, it is only abstraction that we use to describe everything. Subconscious is also abstraction, because brain makes decision "as a whole", and thought process that you have in your mind (i.e. "choose this or that") is just a "reasoning part" of you, not separate thing that decides what to do. Decision is formed by you as a whole and thoughts only used to represent it. Even parts of your body influence this, like when you have stomach pain, you tend to be more negative in everything. So, your thoughts are your own, because there is nothing else. But "your own" is not about "mind", but about you as a living person, you can't separate some part of your brain from complete thought process. And any mental illness is just a state when parts of your body (mostly brain) work untypically, so your behavior is non-standard. But it is still you.
Non-materialistic way is often about duality of mind and body. Or soul and body, if you are religious. With that separation, you can have some foreign thoughts that not directly made by your mind, but influenced by something else (body, when you have addictions, or evil demons when you believe in them etc).