Not really, because they are not what I actually think or believe. It's my brain trolling myself because it knows that I don't believe it and it knows it bothers me, that's also why it makes connections between things I like and hate, it knows it bothers me so if I do something good one day and something bad happens or I think or hear about something bad my brain will try to connect the two to frustrate me.
It's probably better in the long run to just let it happen, I should be finding a way to fight the OCD not play along with it.
No, it's environmental. Last year I would not have even said I had OCD but just that I had some OCD like tendencies, then my living situation changed and stress came with that which triggered this and it can rapidly escalate. It tends to snowball, if you tell yourself that you tapped another key while logging in to the computer so you have to restart the computer then you will restart every time you do that from now on but on top of that if you do anything else while logging in you will add that to the list of things that you need to restart for, it's a slippery slope. But as I said, it's caused or exacerbated by my living conditions so once I find a new house it should get better.