globebamwithflad png
(729.66 KB, 5146x2631)
Vnxfcpx png
(687.28 KB, 4974x2519)
> Broken image. Gonna scrub that and you can post it again.
I was getting a horrible connection.
The constants should be:
C = Base Conquest Value
LC = Lowest Conquest Value
MT = Maneuver Usage of Total Strength
M = Max Mortality
Input values are counted manually and inserted into the spreadsheet.
Dice roll
TAS = Total Attacker Strength
TDS = Total Defender Strength
OS = Outflanking Strength
CAS = Committed Attacker Strength
CDS = Committed Defender Strength
Frontage (F) is not an input value now that Outflanking Strength, CAS and CDS are inputs.
I wonder if it's possible to not have CAS and CDS as an input and just rely on OS.
O = Outflanking modifier shows up in the middle of the process
Output values are given by the spreadsheet:
Whether or not the attacker conquers the province
Attacker Casualties
Defender Casualties