I'm serious about establishing it. I first talked to Swebernd about it about 2 or so months ago, though it was just an idea. I decided the non-EU parts of the Balkans were one of the best choices due to its cheap land relative low lack of governance. A few weeks later, I met a few Slavs whom spoke quite fluent English and were well-educated in theology, history, modern and ancient psy-ops and the coming technocracy. So coming up with ways to resist it, I decided to bring the same talk with Swebernd with them, about land etc., and we decided that the Carpathians around Banat was the best choice. A few people even budged already, though they haven't arrived in our preferred location.
It's essentially the white Afghanistan; warm weather and a bunch of forested mountains. Phyletism isn't too extreme but it exists, and there's a bunch of beautiful women there to pursue. If we can have around 5 people come with 3000 Euros (2 people aside from me have already expressed their willingness), then we're all set. I've been trying to get Swebernd to also budge and try and set it up, since we're all more likeminded, though he hasn't gotten time for the IRC this past week.