Touhou Keine... png
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I tried Crusader Kings 3. So far it's basically just Crusader Kings 2. There is a bit of difference with how army composition and such work, rulers have a stress meter which builds up based on choices and then once it reaches a higher level a character will get a new insane trait(which I honestly think is good so that they don't go insane out of nowhere like they always used to) and rulers get a skill tree. Back on to Army composition, it seems you get a levy which is well your levy and then for every other unit type like archers, light infantry etc you need to hire a company of them which then follow the norm of the levy on Crusader Kings 2. But this means that Scandinavians and the like end up with armies with similar composition to the rest, I have had battles with them as a Feudal German where we have had equal numbers but I have lost, which never would have happened before when un-reformed Pagan troops were garbage.
I don't really like the UI but I'll get used to it, so far literally everything else is the same though through with just maybe a few changes.