> Technology restricts our freedom. 
It is not. With technology you can live independently generating your own power. Similar with anything else.
The state, led by the government restricts your freedom, and the state and the government is just that: people, us.
Not technology that tracks us, but people want to track people out of greed (for ads) or to make themselves feel powerful. Now I don't want to step on the toes of religious people but they did that without technology: confession was a device of tracking for example, or when communist regimes made half of the people informers.
And btw you don't have to participate in fake-happy social networks. In fact most old people don't, and the younger generations step over facebook and just stare at e-celebrities. Only people 20-50 are really participating in that. And even those aren't forced to do that, and what's more they loosing interest fast.
> Technology must
That sounds like a presumption.
> successful advancement
Technology does not advancing for 50 years now. Yeah they made smartphones. Ok, they made transistors smaller - but this decade they arrive to the smallest possible transistors and our life won't be any different.
Creation of social networks is that, social, not technological advancement. People saw a possibility and used the technology to make it. Not technology made them do that. Especially since technology isn't a conscious entity like how you wish to present it.
And at this point I have to reach something you mentioned - it's just your abstraction of tools. Technology does not exist, there are manifestations of it - if you will - transistors, computers, jet engines, hadron colliders, whatever. But actually these stuff exists and you make an abstraction to make up this entity which you can blame for whatever behaviour people presents.
But whomster am I arguing with? Swebernd and Danebernd put forward the idea that technology is the problem.
Anyway, I'm gonna reply to this, because you underlined it:
> The environment of system itself forms our culture and mindset.
Zeitgeist existed without modern technology. Just because modern technology is part of our zeitgeist, it doesn't mean that's the moving mechanism of it. That mechanism is always the people and their mind.
Btw people are also part of the environment. And what you do influences the environment. Most people are like a school of fishes. They move toward where the first one turning moves. You can present a behaviour for others to follow. And you can encourage people to do the same.

I still have this  >>/39815/ to reply in earnest sometimes. Today I'm done however.