I still have something to this post.
> Governments MUST advance in technology or will be conquered by another that has the benefits of technology. 
Barely any conquering is done these days. It's companies what expanding, competing for workforce and market and they can bring profits to home which is better than a area of problematic shithole.
> homogenic mass is most easy to control
Wrong. The more diverse, the more heterogenic, the easier to control.
> You see our race, biological differences, sex, cultural differences being eradicated
Nod really. Well, only if your only source about the world is imageboard memes. Especially with sex. How do you eradicate sexual differences? You can't. You just see all these attentionwhoring trannies everywhere so you think that's going on global level. And such news that "Swedish parents dressing boys as girls" that's also an insignificant group but it's good for media generating views for themselves, however the topic is dropped right after and media moves on and everyone else forgets. And anyway sex isn't eradicated by that, that's just a boy in girls' clothes.

There are probably more stuff, but I have to go.