I think he is wrong and I will tell you why that is.

In his paper on plagues he wasn't just wrong on one thing, it was pretty much the whole paper just telling straight up lies. 

The black plague wasn't caused by burning coal releasing mercury. People weren't using coal to heat their homes 800 years ago. What was happening 800 years ago was a solar minimum causing temperatures to drop, causing widespread crop failures and vulcano eruptions making it even worse. 

It's the same thing with polio, aajonus claims it's the tinned cans causing it, whilst completely ignoring DDT. 

What aajonus were spouting and drake isn't science. Science is honesty, objectivity and logical reasoning. 

How would aajonus explain the Antonine plague? Plague of justinian? Perhaps these bloody romans were burning coal too. 

My point is, if a person deliberately lies about something, you can be sure they will lie about other things aswell to suit their agenda.