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> Videogames is escapism same with chans or forums.

I mean, technically books, movies, boardgames, theater plays and everything in between are escapism as well. You play video games to experience being a army commander, truck driver, botanist, zoologist, travel to the Caribbean on a vacation if you're playing Tropico, be a Samurai in Feudal Japan, etc.

But I get where you're coming from. Doing these things as a hobby is okay, but one shouldn't let things of leisure consume one's life tbh fam All things in should be in moderation Unless you're a professional tournament playing videogamer and earn thousands of dollars of doing this

> It's even better fornicating with the opposite sex. 
> Implying a bernd will ever put BENIS IN BAGINA X----DDDD

Silly Swede. Didn't you know that all are bernds are Never evers? With no exception to anyone who goes on /kc/