> barely know what's going on in
> B E L A R U S
You must have heard of what is happening in Belarus since Sunday, August 9, when president Lukashenko rigged the presidential elections in his country. By all independent accounts, he lost these elections by a landslide. Hundreds of thousands of citizens have taken to the streets to protest the election-rigging peacefully. They demand the departure of the man who has ruled the country by questionable means for 26 years since his first term in 1994.
Despite this, the ex-president refuses to acknowledge his defeat and continues to hold on to the power by any means possible, be it propaganda or media manipulation, coercion of rank-and-file officials, physical violence against civilians or persistent disruptions in mobile and Internet coverage – every day since Sunday, August 9.
In the face of these injustices, we – Belarusian expatriates from around the world – want to do something and contribute to better coverage of these extremely disturbing events across our native country. For the moment, the coverage of events in the media abroad is relatively low and incomplete. So, since Sunday, thousands of Belarusian expatriates, women and men, have teamed up with one another on social networks (Telegram, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) to translate and distribute the latest, most striking press reports (facts, analysis, interviews, addresses and open letters). We are building a multilingual archive of texts and videos. Each piece of content is carefully selected by experienced journalists and activists and then translated and published through our collective efforts.