> just slander anyone
Dude, the Ottos did genocided Armenians. Even contemporaries noted it during the event (in comparison noone new or talked about the Holocaust up until later). They thought they are solving a problem and they actually did. Imagine having 1,5 mil+ more potentially hostile minority in Turkey.
I understand your aversion when people say that those committed something horrific whom you identify yourself with. This means your heart is in the right place. But everyone have to face and deal with the heritage. Imagine a sheepish Belgian when he learns about their ~10 mil tally done well in the Congo.
Rare is the nation on this Earth without some dark deeds in the past. But yesterday's mass murderer is tomorrow's victim, and vice versa. The Bible says Jews mass murdered whole cities without scrupulous, and it's their history and baggage. They are just fine with it. The Assyrians built hills from their victims' chopped off heads.
International relations are not easy either, full of hurt feelings, still the realities of the situations make us work together with people we might despise otherwise.
> This is a topic that deserves its own thread.
Meh. It would need more research, and that's work more than it worth. It's just for the curiosity's sake.
I dunno about the millions either. But thing happened during a long period. There were continuous slave import in Europe too since forever up to the 20th century. After WWI Germans and Hungarians were sold on Czech slave markets...