> How come this 1,5 million Armenian in Syria is now just 30 thousand tops?
Well despite events occured in 1915 the numbers somehow keep increasing.
If you look at the Turkish muslim population of present day armenia it's close to zero needless to say they were 1/3 to 1/2 of population of the area. Knowing the government barely ensured if at all their soliders and citizens it's not hard to assume many did not subjected the policy or escaped. Not to mention there were mass chaotic mess, both sides had armed citizenry that killing each other. So supposedly culling the armenians is simply not the case.
> Here you go
I know how to read and make research (methodology and whatnot) thank you. Assuming you know as well you can read both sides claims.
> Okay. They weren't genocided, they were liquidated.
Well from your intentions you are clearly and easily joke about tragic events seeing your attitude at this point this is just your political pressure (a low quality one if we're being blunt here) rather than an attempt to uncover the truth. You are part of the problem not the solution.
If armenians and politicians they bought are so adamant they can invite us to discussion in international arena and we can open our archives. You ruthlessly slander us most likely assume we do it due to national pride, but there are several independent resources such as during and post ww1 american (not nation as a whole) reports etc. clearly states otherwise.
Not to mention two different group of people cant genocide each other, so you are simply unable to explain mass removal (out of think air) of Türks and focusing tragedies of one group. This is not "whataboutism" genocides happen when there is systematic will to seek destroyal, not when two groups mass kill each other during a total war and in a chaotic mess.