> Well, committing genocide isn't just Turkish privilege, it happens all around the globe. Specializing in the study of genocide doesn't need all the languages around the globe.
So he specialized in genocides despite not reading supposedly first genocide (armenian claims) . Way to discredit the author.
> The book is about the Israeli reaction
Which makes it as relevant to subject as Vogue magazine.
> the incident the Turkish leadership did recognize it
Except they didn't, since the term genocide did not exist back then he takes any kind of word resembling 'atrocities' as genocide acceptance.
We already accept bad things happened, so in a sense he is strawmanning. Not to mention we also accept the fact the atrocities mutuat and not aimed to destruction of race, which makes neither atrocity a genocide.
> but in the interwar period it became fashionable just to hush it up and don't talk about it
Umm no, simply not the case. Maybe he mistook silence of entire world about the subject until 70's for Turkey only thing. I'm very sure it's a genuine mistake. He forgets to mention the armenian question has got its attention thanks to ASALA randomly killing diplomats and civilians in both in Turkey and outside of it in mainly 70's and 80's. Saying "Waaaah Turks just being silent!!!1" is way to be stupid, and we didn't base our entire identity to atrocities that made by armenians, due to diplomatic reasons. We're the ones who recognize armenia first in the world in 1918 and 1991 to disrupt political isolation. We did not had lobbies even if we did they would just killed by ASALA which continued, until they accidently killed westerns instead of Turks, which caused sudden dissappearence of the terrorist group as france knew where exactly these terrorist hiding for years.
> then decades later they went ahead and shifted responsibility onto the Armenians, who betrayed Turkey/waged war against Turkey/committed genocide against Turks.
Our books clearly states it's generally Hınchak and Tashnak doing it, there is no complete targeting of Armenians.
> Taner Akcam?
He repeatedly claimed archives has been 'cleaned' by both us and germans. Assuming you know how archives work, it's such an absurd clownish claim.
The guy also calls Atatürk as Turkish hitler and many times he stated how he hated Turks and ashamed being so. If you want to bring counterarguments please cite someone does not blinded by hatred and make pitiful, easy to disprove factual mistakes.
Most of his claims based upon destruction of archives, I think he seriously thinks archives does not have copies and many documents are already not cited by other historians.