You make judgements according to your political culture, so it is normal to be wrong in here.

> Ban co-ed schools? It used to be so no long ago. It has it merits. I don't find this very oppressive.
Not co-ed schools but he worked towards it, he implied every secular Turk having having opposite sex roommate and being immoral according to them. We were declared as open targets. He dont give a shit about education quality, only to consolidate his people and dehumanize us.

> this can be understood as a proxy for western neoliberalism
Most "western liberalists" are believing in "moderate islam" and wear its allien unofficial islamic dress uniform which never existed in these lands.

Atleast half of atheists are kemalists, enlightened despotists or apolitical. Supposedly we are north korean tier according to liboş (turkish liberashka faggots) people. 

> ompulsive freedom-and-democracy exporters
No kemalists or anything of that sort asked an intervention from the west. It was moderate islamists doing it. I wish Turkish sources could be more avaible for others, it would be easy to show how kemalist journalist treated in the west.

>  sjws
This what people live like secular and support islamist people do. They live in  their ivory tower yet fall for every islamist ploy. When you see a sjw and scracth it he/she eventually rant about how opressed muslims are and preach his faggot liberashka values at the same time.

There are true liberals in Turkey who 
 are not allien to lands they are living in, but they are very marginal, politically they are non existent.