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Just had an interview with a Chinese company. Didn't like it. First, the guy never even said I was interviewing with him. He told me that just wanted to chat and invited me over to his seekrit clubhouse app. Second, I could not understand anything he said, and the people he worked with were literally the back office from him staring and being half naked for some reason. Third, even when I answered a few interview questions from him, that I could understand at least, he kept prodding and picking at me for not know every single thing he asked me earlier on.
He gave some really rude and too personal responses afterwards, so I just decided to end it right there and told him I would like to withdraw my interview or whatever it was. Afterwards, I got booted from his chat a few seconds afterwards. Overall, very unprofessional and did not like a thing about it. Maybe serves as a learning experience, but I don't know.