To recap, you're deathly afraid of sleep, can't follow instructions, have a victim complex, romanticize everything in the most passive way possible, and assume that needing rest is a weakness. Have I missed anything? Spoken out of turn? Insulted you? After all that bullshit this morning, I assumed you understood your responsibilities?
Oh, but then you wouldn't be the most tragic little puppy dog eyed caffeine addict! Can't knock on a door without needing a one hundred and ten percent guarantee, don't know how to be polite' and still cling to your notions of victory. You don't display the art of war, you embody the element of self destruction. You don't want to, but you do.
I said, Cowgirl, one hour knock on the door. Nothing else was stipulated.
Nothing else has to be. I snap awake like a shot.Any time around Noishe should tell you that.
Did you lose last night?
Stop poking me, fucking unkill yourself mentally today.
I had to.