Yeah, one is produced as a sudden reaction, spike quick, then quickly dies down, meanwhile the other gets slowly produced, replacing the first one, and goes on for a longer period of time.
> Even that antibody test may be flawed.
Here media says the throat/nasal mucus sample test is more reliable and blood test is less. I've no idea how can anyone have? what is true.
There's also something going on with the result: one outcome trustworthiness is less then the other (I dunno if positive over negative or vice versa). The whole thing is a big clusterfuck.
> don't need a vaccine
Not now. But it will be seasonal with seasonal vaccination. And it mutates to new strains. Some of those will need new vaccine. We're gonna stand in line every two weeks for a new shot.
Btw I like how they made in record time a bunch of vaccine for SARS-CoV-2, while they couldn't for SARS-CoV-1...
And with 90-95% effectiveness, meanwhile simple flueshot has the effectiveness of 10-60%.
I bet these vaccines also make everyone beautiful and rich, ends global warming, and solves starvation in the 3rd world.