Blind... mp3
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09 - Of... mp3
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11 - My... mp3
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The Black Album brought great change. Suddenly they did not really play thrash metal anymore. I think they said something about they wanted to play something new, simpler, shorter (the previous two albums did have quite long songs), but I see three circumstances that changed. First now nothing was left from Burton's heritage. Second, they had Jason Newsted who also had some creative talent up in his sleeves and even had some riffs brought with him from his previous band, Flotsam and Jetsam (although I never heard any of their stuff, so I have zero idea if any similarities exist anywhere). And the third was their new producer Bob Rock, with whom they worked along a new methodology, new type of recording technique, and who apparently had large impact on the sounding and style.
However from the credits one could conclude it's all Hetfield and Ulrich who made everything, others pitching in here and there.
Twelve songs, greater selection than before but I have a hard time to pick. They aren't that good songs to be honest and I really don't want to pick Enter Sandman (I like it but it's a standard to play it in radio, tv, wherever, along with Nothing Else Matters). Oh well, maybe a cover (what I already posted before no doubt).
Don't Tread on Me - Wakey, wakey, do not step on snakey. Certain parts feels like a Black Label Society tune.
Of Wolf And Man - For the Ferences' awoo threads.
My Friend of Misery - the lonely song where Newsted is credited, wanted The God That Failed for that awesome (and simple) bass riff, but oh, well.