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thumbnail of towerGuards.1.jpg
towerGuards.1 jpg
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thumbnail of lossarnach04new.jpg
lossarnach04new jpg
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Mount and Blade Bannerlord is of course on a newer engine but the developers also went to efforts to make the game more mod-able, they even said that particle effects can be much more easily modded so that things like magic are easier to implement. But I digress.

The mods of Mount and Blade were always my favourite aspect of the gaem and I was worried that perhaps there would be less emphasis on this by the community as the times are such that every man and his dog is trying to develop a game on steam so unpaid mod work may have less of a population of creators plus I know that the Gekkoujou mod creator has retired. 

Anyway, I found this interesting mod, it's set in the world of the Lord of the Rings. It looks quite good and I have high hopes for it. The only problem is that these things are going to take an incredibly long time to make I would say.