03. Now... mp3
(16.03 MB, 0x0)
06. Halo... mp3
(18.93 MB, 0x0)
01.... mp3
(15.35 MB, 0x0)
04. Am I... mp3
(14.91 MB, 0x0)
Very thick sound. The kick drum can be heard perfectly. It's like there would be a giant hollow in the track when it isn't going, the bass is so separated from the higher pitched lines, which don't seem to have that much of a body.
I don't care for Hetfield's vocals, too monotonous, and I hear (as with the previous two albums) some/lot autotune here and there. No soul in that.
Anyway, this copy I got consists of three disks, the first two essentially the album itself, a double one at that, six songs each CDs.
New producer, Greg Fidelman, I dunno if that counts in this case, he was there to mix Death Magnetic, so I assume he is more of a tech guy. The music was basically written solely by James and Lars. Trujillo is credited at one.
- Now That We're Dead - It caught me with the first one and half minute. Much hard rock in there, let's call it very hard rock. Some nice groovy parts too.
- Halo on Fire - just because the outro of the song, how it turns into that solo. Otherwise I dunno.
- Confusion - the first riff, after the intro, catchy as fugg.
- Am I Savage? - I am, man, yes I am. Funny. Again, catchy riff after the intro. Groovy.
Some more notes after I finished the album. For me the vocals kinda ruins every song. Older tunes meet us on the CD2, the inspirations are clear in Here Comes Revenge (The Shortest Straw), Murder One (Welcome Home), and Spit Out the Bone (Metal Militia). If I wanna be harsh I would say they were ripping off themselves (actually Mustain and Burton, kek). Such cases.