I came across that too. I could not find any stand alone Youtube vids like the ones I posted, you mention issues with the second video and this may be true, there are other videos of them in Australia but they are usually part of news stories and such so I was not sure I wanted to post them.

Anyway, Oddly enough there is solid proof that large cats exist in the wild in the UK because of captured specimens of Lynxes and a cougar(but they were said to be escaped individuals) but I could not find as many or any videos of them like the Australian panther, so it may be that in Britain it is predominately escaped animals.

An interesting thing to note however are the witness accounts and some images(but that are blurry and hard to verify size with) that show and speak of black animals. It's odd that every recorded Australian example is black and that there are black animals mentioned in the UK, black panthers are actually just an animal of the genus panthera with a gene that causes an excess of melanin. It's odd that all of the Australian animals and possibly the British type would have this same gene. In a small breeding population this might be possible but it's still unlikely.