Okay, watched the vids.
The second with is definitely a feline, but as for the size, that thing it rests on at he beginning of the video (the thumbnail also shows it) is it a tree trunk? Looks like it, then it might be just a big cat.
The first video is too shaky to tell what it is. And the camera always shakes when the creature comes out behind the vegetation to the open. Plus it looks like as if the tail would be large, and dragged. Smells fishy.
UFO and Sasquatch sightings were dismissed recently saying, "lo, now everyone has excellent cameras in their phones, no excuse not making a good video about them if they exist", some type of a wild cat in Australia sounds more likely than UFOs still noone makes a quality record of them.
> I think it really should be investigated
If you can secure financing, I'm in. I travel to Australia and we gonna investigate. Interview people, gather the locations of the sightings, camp out with all kinds of equipment from bodycams to trailcams, and see what we can find.