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Mushroom season is starting now that the snow disappeared (various tinder fungi and similars are present all year ofc). The early species started to grow. Very few of them resemble to the idea of mushroom, but some of them are edible.
Couple days ago found these as I tramped in the woods for a couple of hours, these are Sarcoscypha coccineas or scarlet cups. I see they prefer the freshly melting rotten sticks and bits of wood laying about. They also disappear fast they can only be gathered in the early months, February and March. But I guess it depends on the weather.
While they are edible my sources say they don't taste anything and since they are tiny, like a finger wide, and have little meat on them it doesn't really worth gathering them. So no taste test.

Soon the first "normal" toadstool will grow the Agaricus bisporus, which is very similar to the campestris one can buy in groceries. I wonder if I can find some, at least for a /kc/ post. There are a couple of oldtimers who range the woods for mushrooms, they are tough competitors.