> Speaking of legendary battles is hard because there are no battles. But that is by itself the legend! Aside from extreme violence in the 19th century, little combat is assumed to have taken place in national territory except for the 1932 civil war which might have left some 2000+ dead
We are a little like that too, the only battles on Australian soil(not counting Papua New Guinea which did used to belong to us) were mutinies and rebellions, but that does remind me that there was a battle I overlooked as I was thinking of battles and not little rebellions(though in your case it does not look like it was so little). There was the Eureka Rebellion in which Miners angry at mining fees revolted, they created their own flag and then created a stockade. The Stockade was stormed and a few dozen miners were killed but not long after the miners were given the right to vote. I'm not sure if you would see this flag around or not but many bogans(Bydlodae Australianus) get it tattooed on them. It is kind of like the Australian Confederate flag, I guess for the same reason, it's seen as an anti-authoritarian symbol.