> Btw Github is owned by Microsoft, no? Using it is literally supporting MS. Why those freetards doing that?

No one cares, especially today, when MS became just another corporation that uses and supports Linux.

Although MS is actually not that bad now. Not because it became better, but because other players like Google became worse. MS just jumping into server/cloud market by using linuxes. On desktops nobody cares about 1% of linux from early 2000s (before there was a chance to change something), and MS doesn't need to worry. Anyway, everything is about mobiles now.

Considering censorship, MS is also not the worst, because github didn't change after it's acquisition. Github users started to panic about evil corporation, but github before MS also censored plenty of projects by SJW reasons (like C-plus-equality or gamergate), because it was same evil corporation, just with different owner. DMCA requests also processed as before. "Good censorship of evil hateful people" is allowed in mind of average github user.

Most damaging thing to free software/open source community is not the corporate influence, but that community by itself with all these CoCs and witch hunts, that are done mostly by free choice of that community.