BRM3529-Kitagawa-Pan-... jpg
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"The first half of the 20th century is characterized by the struggle of the morally, spiritually, and materially bankrupt humanity to settle this failure and create a sorely needed new world order." He compares the two ways to this new world order: "The one is the Materialist-Judaist, the direction to the failure itself; its goal: securing to place permanently the Jewish power and rule, the Worldjudaism. The attempts are made from two directions: from bottom to top in the Marxist way, and from top to bottom with Plutocracy. About this initiative we can establish that it is already in bankruptcy [...] because its practical basis are: in morality the kiss, in spirit the falsehood, in material the gold." "The other main direction is spiritual-folkish, the life itself; its goal: the fair distribution of our globe's wealth among the folks, the folkish global welfare. [...] Its moral base is the family, the spiritual is the truth, and the material is welfare. [...] This spiritual-folkish main direction took four forms on our globe. The first initiative was made by the Fascism in 1919, the second on behalf of the Turanism* about the same time, the third by the Völkische Bewegung from 1923, the fourth by the Hungarism from 1930." - I believe he means Japan under Turanism. "Both the Worldjudaist and the world welfare initiatives are racially built. But while the first one set exclusively its own race into the center of the global existance [...] showing the highest racial intolerance in its practical system, the second stands on the basis of eugenics [...] therefore [...] it wants to cleanse every folk's racial composition from the Jewish race's racial poison." - He does not mention more ethnicities specifically, just the Jew. On previous pages of the book, he talks about asemitism, instead of antisemitism, and it means living without Jews in his dictionary. Also he does not mention superior ethnicities or races, only racial health, purity, integrity of ethnicities in general. When elsewhere he writes about German excellence, these don't have racial tones, it's more like acknowledgement of their preparedness, or level of organization, etc.