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The fate of the second front depended on the diplomatic relations between England and the Soviet Union. Churchill expected the Reich and the SU tiring out in their struggle, so he could enter the scene and just poke a dagger into their heart after they did most of the job on each other.
1. Szálasi suspects that at the beginning of the Barbarossa England offered a second front, but Stalin might have thought they can win alone and gain whole Europe, so he refused.
2. Then by 1941 winter the Soviet started to fear the end, so begged for the second front. But this time England wasn't that hasty, and while promised it, they preferred to wait for them tiring out.
3. Third phase of this question started with the Caucasian front opening up. The SU threatened England - it isn't clear with what -, and this gave birth to the first attempt at Dieppe. Then in return after the findings of Katyn came to daylight England blackmailed the SU acknowledging the the bombing campaign as the second front.
4. But since the bombings did not eased the situation of the Soviet, she continued demanding that front again and again. This fourth stage went on until the invasion of Sicily.
5. Then came the Anglo plan to knock Italy out of the war, separate it from Germany. This phase went on till the Tehran Conference.
6. The Italian failure of the Anglos made the Soviet reject this as a second front. Things stood here at the time when Szálasi wrote this book.
He notes that Anglos and their continental fanboys called this Italian offensive an invasion, the new world order calls it retaliation. He gloats a little by pointing it out that it was actually the Soviet '42-43 winter and '43 summer campaigns that made possible both the North-African, and the South Italian landings, therefore the whole thing was a vain attempt.
Why the attempts failed? He sees the reason in the division of the German forces in a way, that whatever the Anglo-Saxons do, their campaigns can't have influence on the Eastern theater, its forces and Strategic Plans.
This concludes the Western Front. Gonna continue with the South.