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Bangladesh has ~20 million solar homes. The problem is, large chunk of their produced electricity is wastage, so this is what this company, Solshare tries to solve.
Here, on the Hungary, you can't just throw a bunch of solar panels up your roof, and run your appliances from that. That would be theft and anarchy!!!! Neither EU, nor our govt. can allow that! So here after over 9000 bureaucratic bs that would shame Brazil - the movie -, and paying all over everyone and their granma for other bs, after lots of waiting and frustration, one can set up his govt. approved and EU conform solar farm, and connect it right onto the grid. From there when you produce electricity it will be uploaded to the grid, and the electric company will buy it from you for peanuts. When you consume, you consume it not from your panels, but you buy it from the grid, for gold. Really great system of fucking you over. Just from this we can see Bangladesh is a way more free country than Hungary. As anyone had any doubt.
Their solution to the wastage problem is similar to ours, only in a decentralized fashion. They connect these solar homes with Solshare's Solboxes, creating micro-grids. People without panels can also join their home to the grid. This they call "swarm electrifying" and peer-to-peer electricity sharing. The box can show the balance of consumption, in currency. I'm not sure how they pay the bills.
The micro-grids are also inter-connectable, so in theory they can build a country-wide grid. Without electric company, government, and EU.