In case of the Chinese they can just order their subordinates in the state apparatus ask their Weibo friends to watch their vids generating couple mil views.
Is that a sure trick? The hardware in hardware stores connect to the internet via the hardware stores' local network through one gateway which means it's just one node that connects to youtube, with one IP. And there are two ways to count the views: all views, or views per unique user. I think public videos measure the amount of the unique users, and when new dl requests come from the same IP, the counter doesn't tick more (unlike unlisted vids where every view counts). (Also hardware store isn't the name of stores which sell tools and power tools?)
And perhaps. Manipulators might "just" need to start the ball rolling, and youtube's trending category and algorithm can take care rest, and the manipulators "just" have to play shepherd and nudge things to keep the ball rollin.