Pretty sure they heard it and I'm also pretty sure young people have acess to paid VPNs so there is that, in countries like that people have their ways to reach restricted content and sites, you pick stuff like this all the time in there. 

> Those videos are obviously created by the Chinese state or a company contracted by the Chinese state to influence the countries image in the eye of foreign public.
You throw the word obviously so cheaply, sorry but not all these videos are propoganda you act like wumaos thinking any critic of china is lapdog of USA, it's bullshit sorry.

What happens is here most likely a well off Chinese making money from appealing for westerns stupid  orientalism dream, westerns love when orientals practice their "original culture" and don't get in their way in any possible way like political or economical rivalry stuff. It's like a circus for them they go there wank to the sugarcoated backwards show amuse themselves but in the end fuck off to their country, praise the government which turned the country into circus. It's one of the reason why Japanese hate western weaboos vehemently.

Anyway I've seen such videos also in scandinavia, these are not propoganda it's just people are making money for letting you watch "magic". The more you accustomed to live in industrial shithole place the more you likely to fall for it.