It's not Propaganda, I'm not sure how professionally produced it is either(it's getting easier and easier to make things look like that). I can believe that 50 million would watch it, it's Youtube after all they watch all kinds of things and rural Chinese life would be interesting to many people.

She could be in Taiwan(real China) or just a girl who can afford a camera phone or it may even be a Chinese group that has done it to make money like a TV show(I don't know about that though but I did not watch enough of it). Youtube is full of stuff like that. Funny story that kind is related to that but kind of is not, not long ago some Australian Youtuber 'Political Commentator' called Friendly Jordie was arrested for stalking politicians, well he was not but his producer was, I didn't really watch any of his videos but from what I saw it was a guy Australian posting but verbally into a camera and the reason he was in trouble was for harassing politicians in public but even this guy had a producer.