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As long as you're pretty sure.
> What happens is here most likely...
Exactly, influencing people. Propaganda.
> I've seen such videos also in scandinavia
Well, define "such".

> It's not
It is.
> I can believe that 50 million would watch it
I've never said 50 million views were cheated.
> She could be in Taiwan
She says in one vid she's in China, Zhōngguó, 中国
> or just a girl who can afford a camera phone 
You really should watch at least one of her videos.

Like the pig processing one. Doing that takes a whole day work for a whole family - although Hungarians do more with a pig, not "just" salting big chunks and making sausage. There is no time with fiddling with scenes. If any of you tried to record anything in your lives would know that scenes have to be re-recorded several times (I did, although it was only audio, featured two people beside me, had to record a take like 20 times, every fuking thing goes wrong all the time). Plus creating the set that it shows what it should and it looks good. On a random day it isn't guaranteed that just lights will be satisfactory for every scene. Doing that whole vid about processing the meat had to take days, but you cannot process one pig that long, it needed to be done. Which means they worked with several pigs and had bunch of spoilage/wastage. No farmer can afford that unless he is a pig farmer with many workers.
The whole thing is set and directed, and they even have to take care it looks natural (which isn't).

Here's an interesting video about what it takes for bushgraft channels doing their scenic shit "spontaneously":