Abi keeps going on.
Mitoryu should have seen that one coming vs Enho!
Tochinoshin tries the same as Enho. Looks pathetic when he does it tbh.
Okinoumi fugged up vs Kiribayama.
A lot of running around in Wakatakakage vs. Daieisho.
Endo quit? Didn't notice him getting injured vs Takayasu yesterday.
Takayasu not so good today vs Meisei. Started strong but Meisei got better position and Takayasu had no answer.
Terunofuji dominant as always.
Shodai outsmarted again. Tobizaru took a while to take him out of bounds but he was in control at all times. I don't think Shodai can keep ozeki rank like that, and don't think he will be helped by lenient matchmaking this time either.
Ichinojo looked nervous, two false starts! He's too heavy for Hakuho to just overpower but he didn't show much resistance when pushed back either. Looked a bit overwhelming but on replay it is noticeable how masterfully he got rid of Ichinojo's grip before pushing back. Coordinated move of hips + right arm pushing back. After that Ichinojo had no grip and got lost.