Abi should have taken Kaisho head on. Kaisho was ready not to fall for some sidestep trick, and then Abi lost good footing after failed to move his opponent. Food for thought for Abi. It was an interesting bout.
Some bouts were missing. Oh well.
Enho clearly lost his mojo.
Big slap from Ishiura. Couldn't see where it sit, but both on jaw and on ear can be disorienting.
Okinoumi did well, spinning over him by the panty.
Wakatakakage slipped! And then Ichinojo just needed to put his weight on.
Considering his position Daiesho does very badly this basho.
Tobizaru held himself well, until Teru pushed his head down.
Kotoeko did not seem to be impressed at the face off. Is it double luck if a yokozuna falls upon you?