thumbnail of sedat peker aid convoy.mp4
thumbnail of sedat peker aid convoy.mp4
sedat peker aid convoy mp4
(1.73 MB, 656x360 h264)
Do you know about that turkman Sedat Perker? Apparently he used to be some kind of mafia boss who developed connections to government. He was jailed for a time and then released under Erdogan. He became very pro-Erdo since then. But more recently the government started to hound and arrest some supposed "mafiosi" from his camp and that caused a complete break. He fled to the Arab Emirates (people say) and became something of a minor sensation due to the publication of a series of videos in which he lays out wide ranging schemes, ploys, and outright criminal activity of various turkish politicians and organizations, even implicating himself . But according to media no hard evidence was provided, only his alleged "witness" account.
How much verisimilitude is in his stories? He is wanted by Turkey now Is he only bluffing in hopes of being offered some kind of deal by authorities?
If translation is correct, he admits sending truckloads of weapons to Syria, disguised as "humanitarian aid"