I rememember you mentioned that the finugor-turk war in the academies.
> They consider themselves national, because they believe the official line serves foreign
how so?
> Your work would be shut down, if not sacked outright then sent to bumfuck nowhere to a minor position, no hope for promotion, if member the HAS (the Academy previously mentioned), then your membership cancelled, etc.
so much for academic freedom and muh university-campus autonomy, same case here altough for different cases.
I generally don't understand the resentment against such "pseudoscientific" theories or the worshipping the academic consensus even where the cases there is no consensus at all. Thank this world actually have intelligent and independent thinkers otherwise we would continue to circlejerk into same ideas otherwise we wouldnt able to progress. This is not first council of nicaea and you dont get to decide what is canon and what is heresy, suck it up circlejerkers.