> On the other hand it is one thing that Google, Facebook and co. knows about every bit of data, and they share it with US govt. agencies, but getting that data from them by some other govt. like the Hungarian is another, it might be not that easy. I dunno how this works, I assume they can ask for the data, either from the company or from NSA for example, but those can shrug it off.
Pegasus basically is another "agency" that is much easily accessible than NSA for small client. And there are more. It is misconception that only big players and superpower governments may access to required data, now everyone with some money can.
For example, in Russia anyone can buy almost any private data that government has. Like dates and places where you parked your car (on payed parking), bank info, phone logs, photos etc. Commercial funeral agents visit you faster than ambulance when you call about dead body, because emergency services sells your data on moment when you call. And of course it is all forbidden, there are privacy laws, and government says that this time your data is surely protected properly.