> Do ethnic Japanese still compete in top sumo?
No. Those were secretly replaced entirely by Hungarians already.
> Aren't they all Mongols?
One stable can only have one foreign rikishi. All the others are Japanese. Maybe Slov wrote this itt, maybe when we were talking on cytube, but this rule was made to prevent foreigners collaborating in the background. Still some swindle is suspected.
There are some other nationalities sporadically. In Makuuchi there's a Br, a Gogi, and a Burglar these days. One Ukro dude in Makushita. Actually at least one of them is half-Jap.
> Do the mongol sumotoris come from Mongolia or are they an ethnic subgroup of japanese citizens?
The rikishis I saw this year they all were born in Mongolia, me thinks.
> If from Mongolia: do they speak correct japanese?
Hard to tell, they ain't talking much. I assume learning it well is among the higher expectations. I think I heard parts of interviews with Mongol wrestler like twice. Both were concise, and kinda slow to formulate thoughts. Since Japanese is easy to pronounce for every non-Anglo they probably don't have much of an accent, to my ear they have none.
> Do they return to Mongolia or stay in Japan?
Depends. With bringing the results they can stay, and I think one of their goals is to stay.
> do they take ethnic Japanese wives?
Depends. Some sure, others maybe not. You could check wikipee for this, many rikishis have a page, and tell us about your findings. Whom prefer what, and the ratio, and such.