> If you only read the Hobbit, how do you know?
What do you mean? You posted a list...

> meh, Tolkien liked nature and, like Poe, saw his experience of it spoiled by the encroachment of man and machine. Tolkien did nothing wrong 
Yes, that's partly why but it is not so much based in logical world building.

> We have no predators. In the Third Age of the world there were predators and other dangers outside the mostly disconnected, non-integrated, enclaves of decayed and retreating civilization.
Not in these areas.

> Also orcs, trolls, wargs, cursed living forests, etc. Population was also decreasing, not to mention already relatively small 
There aren't many of them around the east, it's peacefulness is one of the defining trait of that area. There are no orc strongholds in that area so any orcs in that area are just small groups that could easily be beaten by a coordinated group of settlers from Bree. But speaking of this, there still are actually humans and elves that live around some of the Orc Strongholds like Dol Ghudor and Moria, so it's not as if even these areas are so dangerous as to make them even as barren as east of Bree is.

> Arnor was not "destroyed" as such. If I remember, it divided into conflicting little realms and dwindled in power and population, to the point of disintegration. 
From what I read it was, it was divided and then decayed with the final part being destroyed by Angmar, then an army from Gondor came and destroyed Angmar.

> Also Sauron was hunting for the heirs of Isildur, which gives one motive for them wishing to remain "off the radar"
This makes a bit of sense but they would just not claim to be airs of Isildur, but found a normal village like bree or any other place.

He had a wife and kids so I don't think he was entirely clueless. They probably simply didn't fit into the story he wanted to create so he did not add them and I mean if you were to look at random wiki pages about battles and such you will see that pretty much everybody in them is a man so it's not even unrealistic or 'naive' for him to do this just like it would not somehow make somebody not naive if they did add more women or even only added women.