Aren't Eowyn and Galadriel actually fairly important? Certainly as important as can be without changing the story into something else. Also saying you want porn in LotR would not really be misrepresenter your opinion either, that is akin to what you want, you want the author to change the nature of the story by adding needless sexual themes.

I have not read the sagas yet but Tolkein is hardly alone in gentrify Nordic stories, the Medieval German version of Nibelungenlied presumably does it too as that is even more good, there is not a single evil character in the book and no character is actually acting out of a real evil intention, even underhanded deeds are made to look bad, characters lament the tricks that they play while they are playing them. Unless the original was like that too which is highly possible, I think that you can nitpick either way which seems to be what you are doing. Some stories have more sexuality in them than others because that is the nature of the story, it's basically a different genre. You are comparing apples to oranges and demanding that the apple be an orange.