Tolkien did not hate women, he had an aversion of what women represents, intimacy, sensuality, and sexuality. In his Victorian prude world no such things exist.

> I would not really compare Cordelia or Boudica to her at all
There is no other women in literature Tolkien could have as any kind of basis for such character. Maybe he knew Groenlandinga, then that gives another literary parallel of a warrior woman: a psychopath (daughter of Erik the Red; talking about nordic heroic epic...).

> a doomsday feminist power fantasy
It is not. That's a proper arc for that character, based on literary parallels, which could raise her as a dramatic figure instead of melodramatic.

> You are talking about a completely different book
You did not even read the book. It's a monumental empty narration with many missed opportunities (we did not really touched how unfair with male characters yet, probably won't), it's one. He could wrote that idiotic suicide mission scene of Faramir (although fits nicely with Denethor, whom is the sole worthwhile character in the whole book, again as with humour, it was done by accident on Tolkien's behalf), so my idea isn't far fetched.